READ: The Best Hope for Teacher Unions Is…Reform → I find the growth of charter schools in many districts leaves me conflicted. First, regulations around charters vary so widely …
Continue Reading about A “Both/And” Approach to Charter Schools →
by gordon on
READ: The Best Hope for Teacher Unions Is…Reform → I find the growth of charter schools in many districts leaves me conflicted. First, regulations around charters vary so widely …
Continue Reading about A “Both/And” Approach to Charter Schools →
by gordon on
The most successful brands, or at least the ones everyone emulates, successfully use design to produce an emotional coherence that spans content to product to experience. Think Apple or BMW or Chanel. …
Continue Reading about Here’s a good definition of what a brand is. →
by gordon on
The great irony is that the same progressives who advocate for equal access to marriage, equal access to a living wage, equal access to health insurance, and equal access to college with financial …
Continue Reading about The “great irony” of the progressive stance on educational equity. →
by gordon on
Be aware of those moments, and never turn one down. If you face a choice — a moment or a chore, a moment or bedtime, a moment or work obligations, a moment or your damn iPhone — always choose the …
by gordon on
Kids don’t necessarily have the language to talk about what it feels like to have a teacher not understand you and your culture. And you have teachers who are not confident in their own ability to …
by gordon on
WBEZ: Merger of Gold Coast school with Cabrini Green school would mean first integrated neighborhood school in a former public housing area → School and city politics are never as simple …
Continue Reading about If ever there was a good time to integrate a school, this would be it. →
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