Okay, so Super-MIL delivered on her promise of saving a copy of the printed version of my recent appearance in the Sun-Times. And whoa! In addition to the sizable photo next to the article and an inset photo on the front page of the paper, the Arts section featured… well, me. As in, the entire broadsheet. Am I blushing?
Talk about a slow news week…
Sooz says
I was just listening to Fooled by April and on a whim did a Google search on your name. Great to see you’re back in the U.S.!! But more importantly … when will be back in Boston?!?!?! Tried to find your email address so I could send this to you directly but alas, I couldn’t find it.
Guiseppe says
This blog is like the movie “Groundhog Day”
Gustat says
This blog is becoming as stale as your fantasy team
casey says
Gordon must really like this picture….it hasn’t moved for weeks and weeks.
casey says
Three posts…..three posts! Is this going to be another Gordon blog that he doesn’t post to? Maybe I’ll start a blog about Gordon’s blogs. Oh well.
Brendan says
Nice pants.
Gustat says
What on Earth is that in your front left pocket?! Perv!
(Your Fantasy Team Stinks)